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    Yeah, I get that, thanks. What I don't get is that their current strategy seems even worse. Basically, instead of…
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  • Yeah, Mitt likes holding and wielding power. As with many issues, his views on immigration have "evolved" over the years…
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  • Thanks for your response. Currently, Romney describes himself as being to the right of Donald Trump on immigration. In the…
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  • The thing about Romney is he's relatively unprincipled*. He started out politically as an independent and voted for Paul Tsongas…
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  • "Romney would often be more valuable as a Republican offering a bipartisan sheen to a few issues than as an…
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  • Pelosi has a vote scheduled for Monday. Also, the supplemental UI passed by Dems in the CARES Act (and the…
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  • Here's hoping the Democrats come up with a useful division of labor in the coming months: Biden as the patient,…
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  • Yet another reason for Biden to govern boldly and confidently. His center-left political instincts and his personal inclination to find…
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  • Thanks for the question. In theory, yes. All it would require is a straight party-line vote, with VP Kamala Harris…
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  • ADDING: Same for Biden. Any Republican senator from a Democratic state who wants an ambassadorship, or a Cabinet seat should…
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  • Agreed. The basic deal is (would be): chair your favorite committee in exchange for caucusing with Dems and voting to…
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  • Apologies, because my mind is off topic these days.... While we're all sitting around trying to think of "sticks" the…
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  • Yes to all of this. Martin, I hope you'll continue digging deeper into this topic and what "hammers" are available…
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  • Good comment, thanks. I think it's unlikely Romney will switch parties. He's got deep family roots in the GOP, and…
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  • Thanks for your comments. If Biden's going to be successful, he's going to need the support of "Hillaryland" and of…
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  • Thanks for your response. First, let's stipulate there are dozens, maybe hundreds or even thousands, of people who are qualified…
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  • Thanks for your comment. With all due respect, if you don't see any significant difference between Jared and Ivanka on…
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  • Thanks for your comment. It happens in other democracies. See, for example, Brazil, Hungary, Nigeria, the Philippines, and any number…
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  • Well explained, including the hard choices Murphy faces. This is a model for what the nation needs from congressional Democrats,…
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  • Or banker's kids who went to Stanford and Yale pretending to be working class heroes like Josh Hawley? Or Harvard…
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