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    Here's hoping that protesters and their allies in the DC area have some talented and creative leaders skilled in the…
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  • It's basically an outgrowth of World Wars I and II: https://www.npr.org/2018/09/06/644991357/how-sports-met-the-star-spangled-banner As for the standing, I don't know; but, having…
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  • Well said. I'll just add that even while limiting himself to a female running mate, Biden *still* has an impressive…
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  • The clean energy field is one of the most interesting, exciting, and hopeful areas of our public life these days.…
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  • Yep, the future of the country (to a significant degree) lies in the hands of center-right voters who make up…
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  • As the great American philosopher Michael Ray Richardson once said, "The ship be sinking."
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  • Inclusion---a word when used here that means something like "the 10-20% of 2016 Trump voters who are considering a vote…
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  • Because now that he's made an issue of it, it would be a loss in his dominance/"bitch-slap" view of the…
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  • And it's something Mass. Democrats have done before: when it looked like Kerry might win the 2004 presidential election, they…
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  • The pandemic has exposed a vulnerability for Trump: heretofore reliably Republican older voters tend to get their news from relatively…
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  • In a well-organized "Resistance", the following would, in some fashion, happen: *Fired inspector generals would immediately get hired by prominent…
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  • This is also the source of Trump's superpower: he'll let things break because he refuses to bend...and his opponents---who will…
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  • Adding: there is and will be a large and sophisticated Russian (at least, perhaps other countries too) effort via bots…
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  • I'd say that being "consistent" doesn't necessarily mean being "rigid". Obama's a decent example, but he never saw himself as…
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  • Yep, those aren't good numbers for Trump. And we know those bad numbers bother him. Plus, the Covid numbers have…
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  • Excuse my ignorance, but could you explain that wild card for those of us who've never heard of a "ds503"?
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  • Yes, this. To be blunt, the number of deaths is too small to have a significant effect on an electorate…
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  • By the way, love how the photos used answer your question before another word is read.
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  • IIRC, in Barbara Tuchman's The March of Folly she has a chapter about the British bungling that lost them their…
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  • What's more, if you're doing NYT deep-dive analytical political reporting, then the "story" about the Democrats this week isn't about…
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