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    Yep, and we could debate all the reasons for that. The situation Sanders is in right now is that he's…
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  • I wonder how much of this is "the Obama effect." (Quit a lot, is my morning-after guess.) By that I…
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  • I'll just offer Jesse Jackson as an example of a politician who, over a decade or so, built bridges to…
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  • Thanks for your question. The most current example/answer is Warren. Her policy agenda is very much like Sanders', but 1)…
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  • Thanks for your comment. I think your question, "What could Sanders have said to them that would have made them…
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  • While I understand the sentiment behind wanting Biden to offer cabinet posts to other candidates, I think it's at best…
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  • Sounds right, although Buttigieg has dropped out in the few hours since you posted this, and there are rumors that…
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  • As usual, good analysis; thanks. It did, however, make me want to take a moment to mourn the opportunities lost…
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  • We're going to need to dig out all the stories we can find from US history of how longstanding majorities…
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  • Thanks for your comment, and for your detailed explanation. The last major party convention to go past a first ballot…
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  • Thanks for your comment, but I'm not sure you disagree completely with Martin's post. As a practical matter, if Sanders…
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  • Is anyone else wondering whether part of what we saw last night was Warren shifting her strategy: if she's going…
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  • I agree that it's the role of delegates to negotiate and choose a nominee if no candidate has a majority…
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  • Different era, different context, different people, but Thomas Merton's 1966 "Letter to a Young Activist" may have some words that…
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  • Maybe...but there's no candidate in the race who wants to "just go back to policies of the past". Regardless of…
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  • Impressively done, thanks.
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  • Yes, and he'll almost certainly keep doing it. This is a man who does not perform well under pressure. It's…
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  • I agree; and I'd add that *any* Democratic nominee, if elected, would help change our politics for the better...even more…
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  • Thanks for your thoughtful comment. Whether the Democratic nominee is a "real progressive" or not, that nominee will be running…
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  • A worse---or at least, more immediate---scenario is what if the election is close and Trump either refuses to leave or…
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