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    You're welcome.  For anyone who's interested, this Washington Post article ("It doesn't matter where America's black elite winters.  Oak Bluffs…
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  • Just a guess on my part, but I wouldn't be surprised if part of the social networking agenda for the…
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  • Thanks for your comment, but one thing that gets missed in this is that for over a century Martha's Vineyard…
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  • Yep.  Their mistake was in not focusing their attack solely on the DFH's, so that everyone else would 1) not…
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  • Me either! (But then, one result of "organizing for" is you often find yourself developing a more inclusive agenda so…
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  • Maybe he and Frank Luntz are going together?  http://www.theatlantic.com/politics/archive/2014/01/the-agony-of-frank-luntz/282766/
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  • Somewhat off-topic here, but a little noted effect of the Stewart/Colbert was the bursting of the Glenn Beck bubble.  …
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  • Wait, what?!? "...encrusted lollipop residue and coating of powdered sugar"---that's a feature, not a bug.
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  • This has been another edition of "What Rikyrah Said".
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  • If they're adults and can solve their own problems, then why give them guns if "we have no business interfering...".
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  • Portland Press Herald poll last month:  Collins 72%, Bellows 17%, undecided 10%. Maine is a small state where voters tend…
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  • Death, for Scalia as for the rest of us, doesn't care much what our intentions are.  Just Scalia could be…
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  • Yeah, but that's Maine, not the rest of the country.  Mainers are extraordinarily hesitant to toss out their incumbent senators.…
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  • Yeah, that's where it stands now.  From a distance this makes Cutler look like he's on an ego trip and…
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  • Maybe, maybe not.  There are plenty of people who define themselves as "progressives" in part because of who opposes them…
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  • Thanks for your comment.  What, in your view, is "a country where liberal ideals and principles are honored"?
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  • As always, excellent and thought-provoking points: thanks, TarheelDem. One small quibble: Lord Acton's dictum is "Power tends to corrupt and…
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  • Thanks for your response.  Rubio, like other Republicans who may run for president in 2016, faces the same problem Republicans…
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  • So then the political question becomes:  how many Democratic senators are in that category? Because if it's not 10 or…
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  • Springsteen's answer to your question is probably contained in another song on his "Wrecking Ball" album:  "American Land". Here's the…
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