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    I think the theory is that if Boehner can deliver 50-80 votes, Pelosi can deliver 160-190 votes, and they agree…
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  • It may be unprecedented, but it's not too much of a stretch from the de facto Republican control of the…
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  • Good question.   One possible answer:  Boehner goes to Pelosi and asks for 175 Democratic votes to keep him as…
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  • I didn't say their interests are "the same" as Wall Street's.  I said they may "tend to align", and I…
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  • Also, it was done in 2006---before Democrats retook the House, before the Great Recession started, before the 2008 financial collapse.…
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  • Tea Party supporters, as a whole, are older, whiter and more affluent than the average American.  That sounds like a…
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  • Most reports indicate that state-run online exchanges (like California's, or Kentucky's) are running more effectively than the federal-run exchanges in…
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  • Well done, indeed. Thanks also for the Keene Sentinel interview excerpt.  I can't think of a better two minute insight…
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  • The problem with triggering a recession now (as opposed to 2011) is that President Obama got re-elected last year.  A…
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  • Perhaps Booman will write more about this angle on it: the president's long, patient community organizing-like strategy of forcing one's…
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  • Then the fact that the ACA is (by far) the single largest redistribution of income from the rich to the…
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  • Interesting comment, thanks.  I agree with Superpole that the Tea Part/right wing of the Republican party is relatively predictable.  Ed…
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  • He could be thinking that his only non-negotiables are (in order of importance) 1) raising the debt ceiling limit without…
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  • My condolences. (By the way, how many years after the NY Baseball Giants ceased to exist---we're up to 56 and…
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  • We don't.  Which is why a willingness (or at least, a credibly perceived willingness) to let the hostage "die" is…
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  • We explain it the same way we explain Massachusetts public employees voting for "Prop 2 1/2" in 1980, knowing it…
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  • Also, immediate repeal of the sequester.  (Followed by budget negotiations in conference committee based on the budgets passed by House…
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  • Thanks for this.  It brings to mind the late, great Molly Ivins' description of the "conga line" of business lobbyists…
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  • Yes, and a reminder:  white working-class voters outside the South voted (narrowly) for President Obama in 2012.
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  • This.   The possibility of change doesn't mean the guarantee of change.  But why have politics if the possibility doesn't…
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