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    Good point about Robinson after three years.  It seems to me that an under-reported aspect of President Obama's remarks about…
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  • How can you be so sure about President Obama's "skittishness"?  My sense is he's about as "skittish" as Jackie Robinson…
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  • Excellent point.  Look at Gov. Hickenlooper in Colorado.  He's always had a reputation as a pro-business centrist/pragmatist.  Then he got…
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  • But the new crop is smaller.  The 4 million newly eligible voters each year are disproportionately progressive and likely to…
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  • Thanks for the response.  I'm not sure how you know I miss "the significance of the Reagan-Ford primary in '76"…
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  • And here I thought the Vietnam War (at least, the US involvement in it) ended in the Ford administration.... We…
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  • Here's another recommendation for your reading list:  Michael Grunwald's "The New, New Deal" which is about the Recovery Act, what…
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  • If you're interested, Rick Pearlstein's books, "Before the Storm" and "Nixonland" offer compelling, readable accounts of 1) how the Republican…
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  • The late, great Molly Ivins is one of my go-to sources for wisdom and perspective on this subject.  If I…
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  • Here's the thing about institutionalized racism:  it might not be a "crapbag" of an author.  
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  • It may well be "superfluous" to you.  Judging from the reactions of many others, it clearly was not (at least…
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  • Yes, and furthermore, "I'm On Fire" is the conclusion of what I've come to think of as the Domestic Violence…
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  • Lots of talk in this thread about Washington's owning (and freeing) of slaves.  Those interested in exploring the topic further…
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  • Post-colonial Africa has had other remarkable and heroic political leaders.  Kenneth Kaunda and Julius Nyerere come to mind as two…
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  • Mandela may have become "a symbol of nonviolence and moral authority", but let's be clear (as he was himself): Mandela's…
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  • Father and father-in-law both just died.  Frum is shutting down his Daily Beast blog, at least for the summer. His…
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  • Both true, but the "they" in this case includes a House Republican majority so it's not happening any time soon.…
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  • This is what can happen when suburbs filled with yahoos with more money than sense are "amalgamated" into a great…
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  • Pierce does some reporting in his current job for Esquire but yes, most of his work these days is a…
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  • Rep. King is also unable to see the contrast between how he dealt with the IRA and the Troubles in…
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