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    Right now I'd file that under:  problems we'd be happy to deal with when and if they come to pass.…
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  • You are aware that President Obama has done more to transfer hundreds of billions of dollars from the wealthy to…
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  • Gingrich got forced out after the '98 elections (after surviving a 1997 "coup" attempt). http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Newt_Gingrich#Leadership_challenge
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  • I don't know the mechanics, but my understanding is he can be forced out by his caucus (unless he pulls…
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  • The Republicans control their own behavior.  It's the job of Democrats and progressives (in Congress and outside of it) to…
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  • Woodward's basically an establishment Republican.  His father was president of the DuPage County Bar Association and later, a federal judge.…
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  • By the way, this is what winning looks like.  It's not pretty and it's not final, but President Obama, congressional…
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  • True.  Two thoughts about that: While I'm sure President Obama would prefer to have a Democratic Congress for his last…
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  • I understand that Republicans have their own political pressures to respond to---the threat of a right-wing primary opponent perhaps being…
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  • I don't know about internal White House polls, but there have been a number of recent public opinion polls showing…
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  • Or until March 27 when the federal government will shut down all "non-essential services" unless Congress passes a new continuing…
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  • Just curious: how is a package that includes cuts in agricultural subsidies and in oil tax loopholes a "maximalist position"?
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  • Add in the fact that power in the Senate still depends heavily on seniority, and the future looks even more…
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  • Hey, the more conservatives distract themselves with silly little "culture war" stunts like this, the further ahead progressives can get.
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  • Looking retrospectively over the past few decades rather than prospectively, Republicans in the northeast and far west have basically gone…
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  • John Allen has covered the Vatican for the liberal "National Catholic Reporter" for years.  His book, "The Future Church: How…
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  • Assuming Hagel is confirmed as Secretary of Defense, one important part of his job will be defending cuts in defense…
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  • Not to overstate it, but one way to think of it is as an organizer's speech---framing the issues so that…
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  • Just curious:  in what way is raising the minimum wage "expensive"?
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  • Just to elaborate on this:  just because Calhoun was a more systematic thinker than most of today's Republicans doesn't mean…
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