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    Great post, Booman.  Here's a shot at answering your question: First, Christie is pretty honest, and perceptive, about why he…
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  • Any organizer worth her salt knows that without hope, there's no possibility of organizing for change.  And any veteran organizer…
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  • If NoVa and Charlottesville are "blue islands", isn't it more accurate to think that the "red sea" is receding---at least…
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  • Superpole, do you think the higher turnout for a presidential election and/or dissatisfaction with Ohio's new Republican governor will have…
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  • Interesting forecast by Silver, and an interesting post.  I sure hope you're right about Obama adding new states, though I…
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  • This has been another edition of "what rikyrah said".
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  • Just for the record, while I think Pres. Obama's made his share of mistakes, I think his biggest "problem" with…
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  • Although apparently Justice Scalia is now ready:  http://tpmdc.talkingpointsmemo.com/2012/06/antonin-scalia-book-health-care-wickard-filburn-raich-con stitution-commerce-clause.php
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  • True...but unless the Democratic base starts showing a similar enthusiasm for the "Let 'Em Die" plan, I doubt the Democratic…
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  • I don't have a study, but based on the 1972 vote, I'd say it's just as likely that Wallace cost…
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  • Also known as "cold anger"---a phrase Pres. Obama almost certainly picked up in his days as a young organizer with…
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  • Thanks for this.  It's a model for comments that combine keen analysis with on-the-ground experience.
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  • 1 - Those who receive a government check aren't necessarily those who pay no federal income tax. 2 - Those…
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  • I just want to echo Errol's thanks, as well as everyone else who's commented.  Take care of yourself and keep…
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  • Great post...except for the gratuitous insult of donkeys. You may not be able to teach calculus to a donkey, but…
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  • I don't really have a dog in this fight, but Buffalo and Miami aren't exactly the heart of the East…
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  • Yeah, pretty much this.  The Greater Boston suburbs are filled with "fiscally conservative/socially liberal" voters.  Cape Cod has lots of…
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  • This has been another edition of "What TarheelDem Said."
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  • Newt: truly a world-historical figure.
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  • This.  Here's another scenario:  Mitt flips IA, IN, OH, NC, NH and FL.   He still loses 275-263.   (http://www.270towin.com/)
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