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    I've got a slightly different perspective on how Pres. Obama's (relatively brief) community organizing background may have played into the…
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  • We don't know a lot about Romney's taxes, tithing and personal finances.  But what we do know suggests that he…
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  • Anyone know what, if any, kind of relationship Mayor Castro has had with COPS/Metro Alliance?  (One of the IAF organizations…
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  • Slightly off-topic, but Westen is exactly the kind of liberal that labor and community organizers have in mind when they…
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  • Another great post, thank-you! One tiny quibble:  On my own list of great backup bands, these guys would rank ahead…
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  • Note that these are not mutually exclusive pursuits.  If stirring up a few thousand conservative evangelical Christians, and flipping a…
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  • Thanks for clarifying.  (Relax, we all make mistakes.)
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  • Really?  A 53% - 46% popular vote with a 365 - 173 Electoral College vote in 2008 and you think…
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  • Actually, all I was doing was playing spin doctor.  Yes, dressage is an elitist sport but there are ways Mitt…
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  • But she's his wife.  Which makes her different from his NASCAR owner buddies. Sure she's an owner and fabulously wealthy.…
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  • Well, he reportedly raised a couple of million dollars---which isn't bad for an evening's work. http://2012.talkingpointsmemo.com/2012/07/romney-london-banking-fundraisers.php Of course, like any…
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  • And the problem with the flat-out, baldfaced lie when he's face-to-face with Obama is that Obama is masterful at taking…
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  • This.
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  • It's not necessarily a lose-lose for him.  However, the way he's handling it is making it a lose-lose. If he'd…
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  • Sure he can address the topic and make it a positive.  Watch: "This is Ann's sport---has been since her doctor…
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  • By the way, this is the best commentary I've seen on the intertubes about Romney's "Anglo-Saxon heritage": http://www.commonwealmagazine.org/blog/?p=19978
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  • They're trying to keep it a secret, but Alex Jones won't let them get away with it!
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  • (Piling on here in the interests of historical accuracy.)   I can't speak to his years as governor of California,…
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  • You're right, historically speaking.  Today's National Guards are the lineal descendants of state militias.   There's another whole debate to…
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  • What makes you think the principle Republicans are acting on is "people should not be able to cast votes if…
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