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    Where?  In debates---when he's had time to prepare and practice.   At least, that's Fallows' conclusion after watching tape of…
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  • I wouldn't say I'm worried.  I do think there are potential traps for both Obama and Biden. As James Fallows…
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  • Excellent post.  Somewhere the late Jack Newfield, NYC muckraking reporter extraordinaire and popularizer of the term "chickenhawk" in a brilliant…
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  • I agree with your main point but for the record, Mitt's been campaigning for president since at least late 2004.
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  • It would be exciting if they go for it, and even more exciting if they flip it blue.  And I'm…
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  • Even in my most optimistic moments, I don't think Romney ends up with only 39% of the popular vote. On…
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  • I don't know about Jan. 1, 2008, but Al Giordano laid out Obama's path to victory back in September of…
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  • A worthy point.  Perhaps "battle for control of the Republican party" is a more precise way of putting it?
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  • Southern Democrats can speak for themselves, but from a distance the electoral map looks like North Carolina has become a…
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  • I, too, hope we get to watch the battle for the soul of the Republican party that will break out…
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  • Warren's latest TV ad was cut before the "war whoops" tape went viral, but the ad does a good job…
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  • You had me all the way until you brought up Blinky Palermo.  What does German abstract art have to do…
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  • Take a look at the argument Michael Grunwald is making in "The New New Deal" (and in recent related pieces…
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  • There's a case to be made that Democrats did begin the work of putting together a new majority coalition...it's just…
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  • Look, no president can keep a campaign organization together.  A campaign organization exists for a specific, time-limited purpose. When Obama…
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  • Yeah, and this has been his strategy for over a year---both in the primaries, and now in the general. At…
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  • I think they probably agree with Bill Clinton:  better to define Romney as an out-of-touch reactionary plutocrat.
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  • Good catch. It's not, however, going to be a teaching moment for the Republican Party.  Pawlenty had a chance to…
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  • Well if I'd known we were linking videos I'd have put up this:  http://youtu.be/tJWbiikC67w Clap for the Booman!
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  • Which is why Democrats need to take Bill Clinton's convention speech as their model:  explain to the American people who…
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