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    I thought he was the replacement (or the closest thing available) for Ronald Reagan?....
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  • http://www.tnr.com/blog/plank/106730/ryan-most-dishonest-convention-speech-five-lies-gm-medicare-def icit-medicaid http://www.slate.com/articles/news_and_politics/the_breakfast_table/features/2012/_2012_republican_n ational_convention/paul_ryan_s_speech_included_an_incredible_string_of_false_or_misleading_statement s_.html Here are a couple of sources you might want to check. What's odd (in my…
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  • And Pierce started out as a sportswriter. One good thing about covering team sports:  it forces journalists to deal in…
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  • For me, the heart of your comment is the "keep on keeping on".  It's been over a decade (picking the…
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  • I didn't watch, but one of the savviest political observers I know did and had a different view (fwiw): "Paul…
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  • True, although I think all the work on the Left over the past few years hammering away on what James…
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  • My thoughts, too.  By this point, who's not expecting speeches like Santorum's to be in evidence throughout this convention?
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  • And it's to be expected.  McCain got one with Sarah Palin.  Bush I got one with Dan Quayle.  Convention bounces…
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  • Heck, even if he'd pursued an "Etch-A-Sketch" strategy after securing the nomination he'd probably be in better shape. He could…
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  • I think it's a couple of things: 1 - Unemployment is over 8% and the economy is barely growing. 2…
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  • The split in that race was (basically) Rubio-49%, Crist-30%, Meek-20%. I don't know Florida politics at all, but it seems…
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  • Or a cabinet secretary in the 2nd Obama administration.
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  • What's that old saying?  "Each eye forms its own beauty said the old lady as she kissed the cow." Something…
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  • Nah, go read Thomas Sugrue's "The Origins Of The Urban Crisis" for a better understanding of Detroit's fall (and how…
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  • Speaking just for myself, I hope you will.  The more, the merrier. I disagree somewhat with your earlier comment.  I…
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  • True about the reaction many pundits had to the Biden-Palin debate, but as I recall (and as this CNN story…
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  • I thought the functions of the federal government, as enunciated and adopted by "we the people" included "to form a…
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  • I don't have a big problem with you calling Pres. Obama a "Demagogic Statist Master".  And I don't have a…
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  • Yep.  I think that's one of the great "fool me once, shame on you; try to fool me twice...we won't…
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  • Good point.  He's also been effective.  Biden was one of the voices within the administration arguing for a limited mission…
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