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    Don't forget, Brooks has remarkable recuperative powers.  Odds are better than even he rebounds with a column slamming Pres. Obama…
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  • And many more, with much health and happiness.
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  • I'm curious to know why you think "it is hard to believe" that a Harvard grad could run a bad…
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  • Good post, thanks.  The one part of Kos' post that I disagree with is the ending.  Based on how the…
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  • This has potential. Step 3: Open the best jazz club in the country?
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  • Pretty good suggestions.  I don't know about the beefcake photos though.  It might be one of those things that works…
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  • Interesting comment, thanks.   The glue for the two party system is the Electoral College.  (That may not be what…
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  • If I recall correctly, Chelsea Clinton attended the same school that Sasha and Malia Obama attend. And both Barack Obama…
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  • I'm confused.  Wouldn't Knicks fans say Romney is more James Dolan than Jeremy Lin?
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  • Utah.  I'm pretty sure he's winning in Utah.
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  • I'm not big on speculating about anyone's health (including Mitt Romney's) health, especially based on one factor.  (A stilted, shortened…
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  • Of course, many folks would consider the fact that the unendorsed final report did not, in fact, come from the…
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  • I'm curious:  how do you know that "Ryan know that what he is trying to do is absolutely necessary for…
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  • "If he was truly an unrepentant liar, reality itself would eliminate any serious consideration of the man." Well, that may…
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  • I'm no philosopher, and I don't know what definition of "factually untrue" you're using.  I just know that if I…
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  • Here's one detailed look at Ryan's speech:  http://www.tnr.com/blog/plank/106730/ryan-most-dishonest-convention-speech-five-lies-gm-medicare-def icit-medicaid Here's another:  http://tpmdc.talkingpointsmemo.com/2012/08/ryan-risks-reputation-with-misleading-nomination-speech.p hp And here's The Atlantic's James Fallows with…
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  • Actually, the Obama campaign started using "Forward." as a slogan back in April, several weeks before the Wisconsin recall election.…
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  • What's stunning to me is the degree to which Mitt Romney in particular---and the Republican Party in general---has repeatedly conceded…
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  • You know as much as (or more than!) I about what the Obama campaign "really" mean/is trying to say with…
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  • I think the last paragraph is particularly important. Currently, conventions are basically a party's opportunity to tell whatever story it…
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