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    If you were referring to my comment, then I apologize for not being clear. Among his many other talents, Pres.…
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  • "Not that difficult to locate the Goldilocks Zone...." I think you, I, Rev. Al, and Pres. Obama would agree that…
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  • Since you asked...well, you're wrong.  It's a slur.   Since it's not a word that's necessary to make your point,…
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  • Yes, Clinton won and won big.  But part of why 3-way races happen is because of weaknesses exhibited by at…
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  • This. Kevin Drum nailed it too with his takedown of the performance by liberal pundits after the debate.  http://www.motherjones.com/kevin-drum/2012/10/hack-gap-rears-its-ugly-head-yet-again "...liberals…
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  • Adding on to this, am I right that the debate represents the first daily news cycle Romney has won since…
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  • Thanks for the comment, but you didn't respond to the situation Romney's dealing with. Nobody's done what Romney's proposing: $5…
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  • Pretty sure it's just a handkerchief.  I've seen other photos/clips of Romney using it to wipe his lips during the…
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  • Fine post, Booman.  Thank-you. One minor editorial suggestion: Change the last sentence to "Scientists are not plotting against Paul Broun…
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  • Well, it could be that providers are being overpaid and would provide the same services at a lower cost.  …
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  • On the other hand, claiming you aren't proposing $5 trillion in tax cuts when in fact you are proposing $5…
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  • Also George Washington who, in addition to relinquishing power of his own accord, freed his own slaves in his will…
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  • The best explanation I've come across is by historian Edmund Morgan in "American Slavery, American Freedom".  Morgan makes the case…
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  • Other changes include rising wealth inequality, rising income inequality, the ongoing decline of labor unions, and probably a few other…
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  • Actually, Ted Kennedy did have some trouble handing Romney his lunch.  Romney handled himself pretty well---particularly for a political novice---going…
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  • For anyone with a more wonkish bent, you might check this "Advice To The Next President" series.  (I've had a…
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  • What?  The Baseball Writers of America might choose the 2nd generation MLBer/white guy over the Venezuelan? Shocked I am.
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  • I, too, am dating myself here:  http://masscommons.wordpress.com/2012/10/04/congratulation-to-miguel-cabrera/
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  • Great news, indeed.  Congratulations to everyone in PA who worked to make this happen. I've been reading Dan Okrent's "Last…
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  • Me too, but unless I'm mistaken, the sequester and the reversion to Clinton-era income tax rates are both scheduled to…
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