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    I agree about Wild Bill. I suppose because they weren't assured of a second season they didn't want to extend…
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  • I can handle and follow what they throw at me because I watch the episodes multiple times,including several with closed-captioning.…
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  • The only thing I can do over at the orange site with ease that I can't do here (and it…
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  • I've given up on Bill Maher. It all began when I started yelling at him instead of his guests. He…
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  • It was a real tough call, but even blowed up real good it looks like a psychedelic fish on my…
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  • What is that? A fish? It's very cool. If it's a critter, is it doing what I think it's doing?…
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  • call them "special interests". That's his code word for anyone who is not one of his corporate donors. I'm willing…
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  • Oh, and Delay is an asshat who can see the vultures circling around what's left of his political career. Keep…
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  • but I cheers can't put my finger on where I've jeers it before. Hmmm. Very spooky. <g>
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  • That's a nice sum-up. I am someone who used to be in the kiddie pool, but now swims with the…
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  • Repeat after me: The preview button is your friend. Any chance of a grammar check button?
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  • I did not take part of the discussions re: the behavior. On some points I agree with galiel's concerns but…
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  • Thanks,vida. This post completely made my day. Good luck with lunch. Maybe Fern the Fly can stop by and barf…
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  • Thanks. IE? What is this IE you speak of? 😉
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  • Oh wait. That isn't the question. Thank you, once again. Whenever I ask myself why I do this (besides because…
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  • Your poll doesn't give your story enough credit. I found it very interesting. I love stories that put a human…
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  • They automatically reduce any image over 1.5 or 2 MB, can't remember which. You can also further reduce the size…
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  • Smee: Alms.
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  • My kingdom (as it is) for a link!
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  • The fact that the Bush administration is criminal in nature doesn't seem to resignate with the people either. Good PR.…
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