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    Here is the code I've been using, which ironically enough, I got from Maryscott. Of course, () is substituted for…
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  • post text boxes. Like those here: http://www.dailykos.com/story/2005/3/14/15154/0755. Pretty colorful text boxes. I have a diary waiting in Word that has…
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  • No defense offered. It strikes me as the best. He looks like a Boomer. Or was that a defense. The…
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  • Whoops. I think I packed it away in the attic for future use somewhere else. 😉
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  • has posted it and a "goodbye cruel world diary" isn't legit without it, I feel I must oblige: Don't let…
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  • I have a complaint. I'm viewing in dynamic threaded and cannot open the comments using the arrows. I can open…
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  • From Pennsylvania, to Delaware, to Central New Jersey, to South Jersey, back to Delaware, to Stockton, CA, to Rancho Palos…
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  • Same thing happened to me, but it posted my comment anyway.
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  • Thanks. Done, but navigation is shot. Think I'll wait until it's fixed, whenever that may be. Thank you for the…
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  • Is anyone else having a problem linking to dKos? I can't get there from anywhere (not just here). I went…
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  • Bob Johnson's dog is no slouch either. Of course, he/she hasn't won a Koufax. Yet. Thank you. I really like…
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  • What is your opinion about "entertainment" diaries like C&J and Bob Johnson's dog? Are they welcome by the management or…
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