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    I want to be optimistic, too.  I wish I could say that this "minority" was not really in charge of…
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  • I'm going to drive my stake in the ground and say that there will be no deal and that January…
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  • So I wonder how this will get reported on the nightly news this evening?  Obviously, this goes hand in hand…
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  • What is this compromising, deal making conservative group of people of whom Ms. Rubin speaks?  Is there some rare indigenous…
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  • That article sure sounds like something that could have been culled from the mind of Dick Morris.  It would seem…
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  • John, John, John!  Remember those good times, long ago, when passage of health care reform was going to be Obama's…
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  • In this circumstance, I envision the Republicans being just like the person who sees a tornado heading straight for them.…
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  • It seems to be almost an article of faith on the right that the Democratic Party is filled with "takers"…
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  • Because in the GOP mind, Simpson-Bowles is a radical leftist plan.  Their boy Paul Ryan hated it, so that's good…
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  • It sounds like since their media fortress of solitude did not give them enough comfort this year, they are going…
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  • You know, he might yet severely disappoint me.  That's always a possibility.  But right now, I'm as happy as a…
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  • Stop, Oscar!  You're killing me, man!!   I'll tell you what's ringing in my ears.  All the sneering and derisiveness…
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  • They really, really never anticipated that they would wake up on November 7 to another 4 years of Obama in…
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  • I give people the benefit of the doubt. I try and understand their point of view.  If I perceive they…
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  • Throwing that plan down in Mitch's lap like that, you'd have thought Geithner's boss won an election, or something!!
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  • I responded to the survey, too.  I am still excited and very hopeful about the future prospects for the organization…
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  • He does nothing to distinguish himself from the pack. That's because in the GOP, "distinguishing yourself" gets your ass handed…
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  • It was probably 25-30 years ago that we started to see a noticeable influx of Asian Americans into my area.…
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  • Well, of course, I blame Obama....... We all know it's his fault.
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  • Sounds like mt grandma's tried and true Eastern Kentucky method.  Minus the garlic.  When you think you've cooked them too…
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