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    So how does that make the price of oil jump??? Because it can.  Instability and uncertainty are constantly pounded as…
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  • Kind of a continuation of what happened with the voters asserting themselves in November 2006. Wonder if the parties will…
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  • But the core of their organization is like a political mafia.  I would put nothing past them in their efforts…
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  • Are you not familiar with the volumes of Maureen Dowd's work which demonstrate that she is a fool who is…
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  • This guy is good.  Thanks for pointing him out.  Very interesting.  I like his writing style.
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  • All good points.  The moment that Hillary is the nominee you will literally be able to feel the seismic shift…
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  • Don't deceive yourself by looking around for something factual that they will try to use against Obama.  The comfort you…
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  • What with the House growing a pair today and sticking with their version of FISA, it now appears very possible…
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  • I know.  After Va. Tech. a couple of guys at work made the argument that if it had been legal…
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  • Damn, another big shooting on a college campus. Five dead, including the gunman.  At least 22 injured. There is something…
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  • Damn, somebody better check real close and make sure the House hasn't been taken over by pod people.
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  • I cannot tell you how disturbed I am, as well, at the developments regarding FISA and the obvious collusion between…
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  • MR. BAND AID!!! Get Well Soon, Iraq!!
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  • So can I keep the Obama shrine up in my basement and still burn the incense and candles while I…
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  • I have tremendous respect for Joe Wilson.  I heard him speak last year at Xavier University in Cincinnati and came…
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  • I live in the Cincinnati area.  It is included in the Western category of the survey. The breakdown of the…
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  • I just came from looking at this. Obama Gains 20 Points In New Ohio Poll The sample of 720 Ohio…
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  • Clinton: Still no congratulations for Obama EL PASO, Texas (CNN) - For the second election night in a row, Hillary…
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  • Didn't he just appear with McCain at an event somewhere? He's definitely old, and definitely white. How 'bout it? Wilfred…
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  • Last night I sat well into the wee hours watching Chris Dodd on C-Span speaking on the Senate floor, until…
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