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    As for me, I'll only genuflect for Butterscotch or Cherry Pie.
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  • Now we just need Democrats that actually have the courage to believe that patriotism isn't defined by one's lapel pin…
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  • Until they work against you. Just ask Pervez Musharraf.
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  • Wow!  I don't know about everyone else, but I can only surmise that if most of us married men pulled…
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  • Quite the screed from Sean Wilentz,  contributing editor at The New Republic. The New Republic, in case anyone needs to…
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  • Clinton campaign chair photographed holding Obama signs Somehow, I don't think The Boss would approve.
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  • Obama is smart to defend Wright and to not back down on the lapel pin issue.  A John Kerry or…
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  • Amazing what you can find on "The Google".
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  • I remember way back when a Republican friend of mine told me, "By far, the greatest gift the Democratic Party…
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  • "I bet if you scanned the number of campaign field offices they have, in some harder-to-reach places, you'd see that…
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  • Well, they don't specifically state the question in this article to which she replied "that's a no", but the implication…
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  •                    John Boehner-Philanthropist, Humanitarian and all around swell guy Boehner award to…
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  • Clinton Denies Obama Electability Remark Hillary Rodham Clinton appeared Thursday to deny published reports that she told New Mexico Gov.…
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  • When we had a local station here carrying Air America I tried and tried to listen to her and like…
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  • I give you John Boehner, "CHAMPION OF THE RULE OF LAW" and "FIGHTER FOR ACCOUNTABILITY" Boehner wins $1M judgment House…
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  • Damn it Steven, don't do that to me!!! Always remember and never forget. There is Karma, my friend.  There is…
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  • No different than it was with GWB.  
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  • Someone tell me again why it is that the media/reporters like this guy? It's all too simple.  He makes them…
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  • A senior adviser to Clinton argued at length that the race is still very much in play. "The press corps…
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  • If Obama is going to be the president he will need people to defend his congregation against overly simplified distortions.…
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