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    Like many people, I'm sure, I have gotten e-mails and letters this week from Obama requesting contributions.  I've sent some…
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  • Bush praises overhaul of wiretap laws Pardon me a minute while I go and throw up.
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  • Well, certainly is no doubt they disagreed with me.  ðŸ™‚ See what I mean about passionate progressives?  We eat our…
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  • Either we work within the framework that we currently have, doing what is necessary to tweak and perfect the currently…
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  • I think were kinda talking past each other here because I agree with almost everything you say.  I am not…
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  • You are right on the money.  This is Obama's first real "come to Jesus" moment with the progressive world.  If…
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  • One more reason we need to make the Steny Hoyer's of the world pay a price. House caves on FISA…
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  • I have thought long and hard about your point and while progressives and liberals are in a pickle we can…
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  • Either we work within the framework that we currently have, doing what is necessary to tweak and perfect the currently…
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  • Boo, I'm afraid that mediocrity is likely what we are going to get here.  It will be a corporate decision…
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  • Much, much too young.  His family must be devastated.  Our thoughts, prayers and deepest condolences should be with his family.…
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  • and over and over and over until November.  It should be on billboards, commercials, flyers, t-shirts, ball caps and any…
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  • This is why my head spins when I read or hear Democrats who supported Hillary say that they will vote…
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  • How likely do you think it would be that even a fraction of these stories would have seen the light…
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  • If there was ever a seminal issue in this election which has to differentiate the candidates, the Iraq War is…
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  • Well McCain certainly didn't do much yesterday to endear himself to Joe Six Pack. McCain: 'I will veto every single…
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  • My heartfelt apologies. If after the last eight years we are all not pissed off, then certainly we must be…
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  • ...why should these folks get to pick and choose when they're going to uphold the laws of the state? This…
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  • INFJ here too. Maybe we can start a club. But if we all just sat around contemplating and being introspective…
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  • A couple of unscripted McCain angry out bursts and a few deer in the head lights moments as McCain tries…
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