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    As of a few minutes ago there are 14989 Comments on ABC's Post about the debate, virtually all condemning ABC's…
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  • On the way home last night I was listening to Talk of The Nation and Neal Conan was talking with…
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  • Well, I had an opportunity to tune in for a few minutes about halfway through.  A woman was posing a…
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  • It will a very interesting time should that scenario play out.  The modern media has not really ever been presented…
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  • Is it a parody with parity?
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  • I keep hearing conflicting information on the dinner that Bush is having while the Pope is visiting.  One the one…
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  • What in the world could be more frivolous than our media? A little "John Kerry wind surfer" treatment for the…
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  • I agree.  Identity will most certainly be trumped this cycle by concerns over pocketbook issues.  In the end, this election…
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  • Identity politics and forms of tribalism have been driving factors in our election process since, well, forever.  And it really…
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  • To paraphrase Condi: Why, no one could have anticipated incompetent system administrators crashing computers in those buildings!!! FBI probe: Lieberman…
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  • Looking out the window here today, I'd say give it about 36 hours and it will be winter there once…
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  • Yes, I guess in retrospect most of the comments thrown out were, in fact, more directed at me than Obama.…
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  • You make a persuasive case and I hope you are right about being unified in July.  I have been in…
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  • In the spirit of Cartman, it's kewl!!
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  • This is an issue which had been near non-existent up to this point.  But come the general, it will as…
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  • Wow, what a totally baaaad title for your post!!
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  • Early June, huh? Let's see, that's one-third of a Friedman Unit, right?? It can't pass quick enough in my book.
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  • I think it's more of an effort to try and link Bush in the same context as Lincoln and Washington.…
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  • The story certainly fits well within the "McCain quick to anger" framework which he has grown up around him over…
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  • McCain's Speech On Progress In Iraq Interrupted By News Of Mortars Hitting The Green Zone Today, Sen. John McCain (R-AZ)…
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