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    I agree with everyone's observations on Barr's obvious lack of appeal to anyone with a shred of Democratic blood in…
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  • Here in Ohio our state motto is "With God, all things are possible". Well, to paraphrase that: "With the unwavering…
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  • Could he also be a fall-back choice for all those disaffected Hillary supporters whose overarching goal now is to work…
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  • As a geographic area they lead in several negative indicators for both health and intellectual life. Obesity, continued heavy consumption…
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  • ....on this to you Steve and, like peakdavid, attribute the tone of your post to a minor rant. As one…
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  • Delusional fear. And well founded fear. See Glenn Greenwald. If there was ever a time to truly fear these people,…
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  • Damn, it was only an "illusion" !!!!  No different than a card trick. But then he did do a really…
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  • I am sure the economic effect is of little concern to those most in favor of a strike on Iran.…
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  • Also, we may have reached the tipping point. If Bush attacks Iran and McCain is onboard, I suspect that the…
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  • Viola! It might be that she unwittingly revealed her most pressing concern in all of this. Those inconvenient truths sometimes…
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  • has been this nagging fear.  And I don't think it is an unfounded, tin-foil hat kind of fear, either. How…
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  • I haven't lurked there much over the last few months but I hopped over to Taylor Marsh's site earlier.  She…
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  • ...when you spend twenty years poisoning the rich soil of political and public service with round the clock demonization and…
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  • My sentiments, also. My guess, though, is the GOP would certainly find a way, through some front organization, to use…
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  • Let's say that in 2004, Karl Rove and the GOP had been able to lay their hands on audio tape…
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  • John Cole tees up the concerns of Broder and all his pundit cohorts and drives it right down the middle…
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  • The shifting of the Overton Window on this issue over the last seven years has been truly remarkable.  And when…
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  • There is only one thing which is certain in all of this and in the end only it will matter.…
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  • Yep, funny names. Like Tim. He's dark and swarthy all right.
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  • So why don't we see nationally televised primary debate panels populated mostly or entirely by people who reside in the…
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