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    Fair enough.  I missed that comment, I guess.  And I understand your personal aspect of it. One thing which has…
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  • So Hillary has summoned all her biggest supporters for her speech tomorrow in New York.  The rumor mill has her…
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  • Obviously I haven't read every single diary here during the entirety of the primary season, but honestly I don't recall…
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  • Didn't you get the note? Ricardo Sanchez is just another "disgruntled employee" of the Bush administration who is probably mad…
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  • She is advocating for suppressing freedom of speech!!! the wingers will cry.
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  • Well, I've heard a lot tough words but I'm not sure how much substantive toughness has been delivered. Though the…
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  • Sherrod Brown is my Senator.  I fully expect him to support Obama.  But with Clinton winning Ohio quite handily, I…
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  • I don't know about everyone else but having another enabler, co-conspirator and propagandist for this criminal administration publicly pronouncing their…
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  • Right up there with "humane capital punishment" Paradoxes abound. We humans are such strange creatures.
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  • Just the very fact that the Republicans face the likely prospect of having to spend significant sums of money which…
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  • Apparently, not much. Thread has been open for 68 minutes and not a single comment. Must be some serious holiday…
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  • This is a terrific idea, Steven.  Gives a lot of insight into the makeup of the Pond Dwellers. Your Race…
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  • Imagine if Matthews had done that back in '02 and '03 leading up to war Amen!  But he was too…
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  • It is coming.  I don't think there can be any doubt.  If everyone is so awestruck and disbelieving at the…
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  • A toast to Jerry in honor of irony.
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  • I like this, from Governor Ah-nold: Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger released this statement: "I respect the Court's decision and as Governor,…
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  • Like our boy President said, ""See in my line of work you got to keep repeating things over and over…
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  • Oh, wait a minute, it was only heads exploding in wing-nut land. No cause for concern.
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  • Another rational and reasonable explanation for your perspective on why you have ended up where you are right now in…
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  • Wow, Drudge reports that Osama Bin Laden is left handed, too!!! Coincidence??? I think not.
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