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    I really do look forward to any kind of one on one debate between Obama and McCain.   Although the…
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  • And why, pray tell, Mr. Washington Post, was the major reason it "grew at a healthy pace"? Americans' personal consumption…
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  • McCain ad attacking Obama's celebrity is a 'zero' HOW TRUTHFUL? The Plain Dealer, in cooperation with The Canton Repository, The…
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  • On Capitol Hill, Sen. John Warner, R-Va., called Stevens a hero, adding, however, he didn't know any details about the…
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  • Yes, it is a hopeful development.  It is not often in many parts of the country that such a stark…
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  • From Venable's column: In a delusional, paranoid mind, there is no room for debate or compromise on any issue. Instead,…
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  • We certainly are getting all this "reading of tea leaves", parsing of Obama's words and figurative "peeking through windows" by…
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  • Tennessee is a Concealed Carry state.  Curious if this nut had a CC permit, though a shotgun certainly would not…
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  • Police found right-wing political books, brass knuckles, empty shotgun shell boxes and a handgun in the Powell home of a…
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  • I just can't help, though, but be depressed with a situation like me sister-in-law's.  Being someone who sometimes lays awake…
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  • Probably the most shocking thing about this is that is no longer shocking. It is now routine to deal with…
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  • And yet an overwhelming number of people in this country continue to vote for candidates who openly champion policies which…
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  • On that day, Jesus went out of the house and sat down by the sea.  Such large crowds gathered around…
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  • That's it!!! No more Budweiser with my freedom fries.  
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  • Damn it, you stole my snarky comment.  That's what I get for lingering on other threads.
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  • Beer brewing is really pretty popular in this area.  I used to work with a guy who was really into…
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  • And now Budweiser is owned by them damm furruh-ners from Europe.  What's a red-blooded American beer drinker going to do…
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  • The Republicans have always been much better playing an opposition party than being in charge and having to deliver things…
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  • My dad is about as right wing as you can get and he only drinks "lite beer".  Busch Lite, in…
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  • But unfortunately they chose this one. I hear, however, it's a little light on actual facts. Though I'm sure it…
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