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    McCain suspends campaign for 'historic' crisis Republican presidential candidate John McCain announced Wednesday that he is suspending his campaign to…
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  • And, of course, never mind the fact that the mortgage and banking industries found a way to get very, very…
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  • In comparison to some of the "food" put in front of me while I was working in various areas in…
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  • As an Ohioan virtually all of my life and a long-suffering fan of the Cincinnati Bengals, I can tell you…
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  • Throughout Palin's speech, a protester at the back of the arena sporadically shouted, "You're not qualified!" Palin supporters around the…
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  • The remnants of Ike passed through here yesterday afternoon.  We had sustained 50-60 mph winds for 3 hours with gusts…
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  • I'm not sure why, but my wife received on of these in the mail a couple of weeks ago.  We…
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  • It is the perfect opportunity for Willie to brutally flog one of his favorite straw men.  And his listeners eat…
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  • A pipe dream if you think that the McCain campaign will publicly condemn this.  They'll sure let Obama condemn it,…
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  • Well, at least this would be a "Bridge To Somewhere". That certainly beats hers all to hell.
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  • If you took 10 Billion $1 dollar bills and laid them end to end they would go from the Earth…
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  • Yep.  I know what you mean.  If the campaign finds themselves a little short on anger I'd be more than…
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  • I've never really had a problem with "change" as an overall thematic thrust for the campaign, but I am just…
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  • It's time to take the gloves off ... it's time to grab our baseball bats and meet them in the…
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  • A lot to digest in there, AG.  I have the same fears that you do.  And I have observed here…
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  • Man, I don't know what to say.  When I read things like this I really tend to despair greatly.  So…
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  • Via CNN:    Is it fair to raise questions about her experience?     "A majority of women say yes,…
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  • Yes, that is the reality of the situation.  It probably explains the sick feeling I have in my stomach every…
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  • Any opinion that I have about this would be purely anecdotal, but I certainly don't think my experience is really…
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  • I guess if there's one thing we should have learned watching the Republicans over the last couple of decades it…
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