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    The alternative is that in 2012 we will be left with only the poo; and no platter on which to…
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  • Thanks for the shout-out.  Appreciate the kind words.
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  • This might make me sound like an absolutely crazy, tin-foil hat lunatic but it is the God's honest truth. While…
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  • A great, great article in the New Yorker about the difficulties for Obama surrounding that elusive "white, working class vote".…
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  • I think the true feelings of a lot white people are definitely showing.  Most people I know have conditioned themselves…
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  • A tremendous post, Steven.  Our African-American friends have expressed to us their fears and they are right in line with…
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  • Palin is pushing all the right buttons for us to soon see things like this: And this: I think there…
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  • Thanks a lot for the Nikkei heads-up.  Now I get to toss and turn some more tonight.  Feel your pain…
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  • I think you need to sleep on it tonight, Zandar.  Possibly a different perspective in the light of a new…
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  • An hour and a half of my life that I will never get back!  I hope we are never again…
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  • My wife says it's time for you to try the Atkins plan.  Nothin' but low carb for you from here…
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  • He would have a good shot at going down in history as the president that single-handedly brought the "American century"…
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  • Once the House passed such a bill it would be extremely difficult for Senate Reps to kill it, and for…
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  • The political problem for Democrats is to explain to the public that a huge "bailout" or "rescue" or whatever you…
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  • I think you can probably peg today's Dow performance, which is positive at least through mid-day, to the picking-over by…
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  • Ahhhh.....Muchas gracias mi amigo! I needed that.
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  • Today Dennis Kucinich and my representative, Mean Jean Schmidt, voted the same way on this bill. "Worlds are colliding" Man,…
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  • "I had a discussion with my daughter, Amy, the other day before I came here, to ask her what the…
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  • Zandar, I believe within the first 24 hours of the development of this "crisis" nearly a week ago I saw…
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  • I think Ruben Navarrette has succeeded in penning maybe the stupidest f#%$ing column of the last century. McCain has his…
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