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    It is hard to make sense of the motivation for this type of crime.  And many of us are trying…
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  • I am not yet ready to classify this in the same category as the Knoxville incident.  There is just not…
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  • There's one supposition they make in the article that I'm not too sure I buy. But because young people tend…
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  • Yes, I had seen that. I had already done a quick tally to see the average contribution and when it…
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  • I could have sworn that yesterday as I was bouncing around different sites while the story was still in the…
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  • While it is difficult to reliably extrapolate these numbers and say they are necessarily representative of allof the military, they…
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  • See what can happen when you don't "take it off the table". From the NYT. Faced with desertions by his…
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  • Maybe the media would be satisfied if he vacationed in Pigeon Forge, Tennessee.  He could stop in the Rebel Corner…
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  • There's something going on with his campaign that's very disappointing. He needs to dump some consultants fast and start showing…
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  • I've got to say, man, that it really floors me.  Never, in modern political history, has a major party candidate…
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  • Steve Soto brings up some of the questions that have been rolling around in my head of late. 1. Why…
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  • What about the women's beach volleyball, Boo? You no likey???
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  • I'm afraid that it is going to take a monumental  economic collapse before anyone inside the Washington bubble is going…
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  • on the planet Ork. Democrats unrelenting in oversight of Bush administration Cause it sure ain't near reality anywhere on this…
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  • With such stellar performances as those put on of late by CBS's Bob Schieffer, the confusion is certainly understandable.  He's…
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  • The Director also stated that the reason for this policy was that McDonalds had determined that there is less violence…
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  • The intended sarcasm in my comment must have slipped through the cracks in the blogosphere.  I agree.  Even his brother,…
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  • Damn, I just found out Bruce Ivins was born in raised in my hometown here and he still has family…
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  • Who points fingers without evidence? Who coordinates something like that? Why didn't any Republicans get anthrax in the mail? You…
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  • C'mon, you don't really believe that do you BooMan? Pardon my French, but there is absolutely no way in the…
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