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    Continuing to win hearts and minds with Truth, Justice and The American Way. Of course, these pictures were probably taken…
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  • This is just one small measure of why it might well be a Herculean task for Obama to pull out…
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  • The strategy is an insult to every American. And then there are those scandals up in Alaska. Trust me on…
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  • The capacity of human beings, creatures with the most evolved and complex brains on the planet, to ignore what right…
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  • ALL of the Republicans and many, many of the former fence sitters around here are professing that they are fully…
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  • From Digby Palin Speech Moves Independents: Results of two nationwide polls conducted by SurveyUSA show Sarah Palin's speech at the…
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  • So she stood up tonight in front of the whole country and wowed the Republican base while lying her ass…
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  • And that is EXACTLY why she was picked.  And that is EXACTLY why this situation is such a potential problem…
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  • You are absolutely correct.  And the loathing for this selection which is obvious on the left, with many mainstream Republicans…
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  • Hope someone has copied whatever was there. 09/03/2008 WasillaAG.net was never intended to handle the traffic it has received in…
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  • As long as Dems remember that this is about McCain, not about Palin, all will be well. This is a…
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  • I think the more the Palin issue swirls in the realms of the tabloidosphere the more likely it is to…
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  • I am quickly finding out that it is often advisable to just shake your head and say "Hmmmmm, you really…
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  • I think, though, that one of the problems here is that we are not starting this process with a level…
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  • First of all, I find it surprising that anyone would really believe that there was a snowball's chance in hell…
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  • and one reason only. To energize the religious-right wing of the party.  And from most everything that I have seen…
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  • Holy shit! Pat Buchanan praises Obama's speech.
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  • It was certainly one of the most well crafted and well delivered speeches I have heard in my lifetime.  I…
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  • Charles Babington's analysis will no doubt be read by millions of people tomorrow, as Keith pointed out.  It is just…
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  • I simply do not understand why Pat Buchanan is allowed to continuously assault our senses when it is apparent that…
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