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    Well, I certainly don't make the assumption that "any and all negative behaviour toward a Black person is racist simply…
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  • Man, it's too bad we no longer have Chris Farley.  I picture him as the perfect SNL plumber.  He could…
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  • My natural tendency is to give people the benefit of the doubt, many times to my detriment, and not prejudge.…
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  • I just saw this at Politico.  Apparently they talked to "Joe The Plumber" immediately after the debate.  He had this…
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  • Well, the bobbleheads will likely blather on for a while about the "should have run 4 years ago remark".  It…
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  • I think, if anything, McCain will only nibble at the edges.  I think he will continue the perpetuation of this…
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  • There could be some local stations I am not aware of that are talking about this, but I have my…
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  • I really can't venture a guess as to whether McCain himself will bring it up.  My gut tells me "NO".…
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  • But McCain said they were. It seems to work the same way with McCain as is does with UFO's.  Don't…
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  • Wow BooMan.  That's all I can say.  Just wow.  Even though this was shot on the other side of my…
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  • Yes, he did call him "Old Joe Biden".  Though I think the tape I heard was probably from a campaign…
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  • I heard McCain on the radio this morning saying he hopes he does "half as well tonight as Palin did…
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  • I know a number of people like this doofus.  They are in the safety and comfort of a big crowd.…
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  • Looks like there will be no more mulligatawny at the National Review cafeteria for Christopher Buckley. Maybe he can hit…
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  • I don't think he will go there during the debate, either.  I read a posting on another blog just a…
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  • I can't help but believe that Obama has been waiting for this moment for a long, long time.  McCain has…
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  • Joe Biden's Schedule today: Warren, Ohio Warren Community Amphitheatre 10:30 am (EDT) St. Clairsville, Ohio Ohio University Eastern Campus 4:00…
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  • Make that: Then the truly hard work will have to begin.
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  • Damn it, man, you have been on an absolute roll lately!  I found myself trying to read your post faster…
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  • People want answers and some idea that the people running for office have some clue as to what to do…
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