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    I had to chuckle while reading Gabriel Sherman's blurb about this over at TNR.  The press isn't taking too kindly…
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  • Is there anyone else out there with a little disquieting sense of uneasiness watching Obama's reception in Europe?  And it…
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  • And there was this little ditty from Sleepy......er, Fred Thompson writing at Townhall in May 2007.  It was entitled, "A…
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  • They will be holding a joint press conference. Maybe Sarkozy will come right out an endorse Obama. I'm not too…
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  • I do not think it will be enough for Obama being elected to restore the faith of the rest of…
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  • I don't necessarily think they want us to lead.  Right now I think the Europeans would be happy with an…
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  • Well I haven't seen any clips from the speech since I'm at work, but from everything that I gather the…
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  • when people were all up in arms about this. WASHINGTON - A yearlong investigation into whether Clinton administration aides left…
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  • The fundamentalist Christians also have framed themselves as "soldiers" for centuries.  It has become their self-description of choice for the…
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  • we are The New China.  No standards. No regulations.  Business calls the shots.  So you get this. And this. And…
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  • Ohhhh....You mean, as opposed to spewing angry partisan tirades from the floor of the House of Representatives like my Congresswoman…
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  • I hereby nominate Chris Myers for the much coveted Jean Schmidt-See How Big An Idiot I Am Award. Such honorable…
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  • What exactly about her presentation rated a "decent showing"? Was it just the fact that she showed up or did…
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  • He used to work for Fox.  He now works for NBC. He mentioned during the debate that "he still has…
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  • he's right, isn't he? harold Ford didn't help Chris Carney or Joe Sestak or Jerry McInerny get elected. We did…
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  • I do respect Ford for making an appearance.  But I sat here watching it on streaming video and found myself…
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  • I'm having a little trouble keeping down my lunch after listening to Ford defend the FISA vote.  He missed the…
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  • The above picture was taken recently at Bush's faux ranch down in Texas.  Rumor is these might have once belonged…
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  • Benjamin Franklin was right. "An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure" A sad state of affairs. The…
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  • Matt Yglesias' post today, Everything is Good News for McCain kind of covers it. ...I seem to live in some…
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