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    Obama leads are popping up all over the place. THE GENERAL: THREE NEW POLLS So I guess this will qualify…
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  • Yes Bob, there can be no doubt in anyone's mind that the Dems are complicit in this administration's lawbreaking and…
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  • Testicles???  They all handed them back to Bush right before the FISA vote.  And I can't imagine that he has…
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  • I think you are comparing apples and oranges here, Steven.  I don't think there is any way that we could…
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  • Has anyone caught the recent segments on NPR where they review the systems of countries which have government sponsored health…
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  • Well, McCain can afford to play defense when his "base" is running such a consistent offense, like here, here, and…
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  • Given the irrationality that I seem to encounter in this red part of Ohio on a regular basis, I don't…
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  • I signed up almost immediately after it went up and checked the "receive all" box.  When I finally got around…
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  • Via CNN Political Ticker Schmidt's top priority, according to a senior aide, will be to stop "unforced errors in the…
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  • The disparity in care between any of the dozens of hospital facilities we have in this area here and the…
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  • The water temperature in "The Pond" is definitely at mid-summer levels.  If you jump in make sure you have your…
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  • He's feeding the left more centrism than they can digest all at once. We all knew and expected that you…
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  • And unfortunately I believe this guy is the rule rather than the exception here in Ohio.   HT to Oliver…
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  • How fortunate to have your mother at the age of 80.  Hope she is in good health.  Both of my…
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  • Yeah, it's pretty cool.  The first time she ever took a first place in all-around competition was priceless.  At the…
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  • My niece competed this week in the YMCA National Gymnastics competition in Sheboygan, Wisconsin.  She took  second in the floor…
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  • Thanks, nalbar, for helping me keep a little perspective.  And while I know that within your intended context the statement…
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  • I am more scared of the thunderstorm raging outside my window right now.  I have had two very close calls…
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  • who said.......... "We learn from experience that men never learn anything from experience." You have to want to see the…
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  • For my dose of credibility today, I believe I will look to the inimitable Senator Christopher Dodd. Mr. President: I…
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