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    Huh...It would seem all of this arguing and disparagement being lobbed over the simple usage of a word might just…
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  • Speaking as a fairly long time resident here who greatly values this place, I hope you start taking better care…
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  • Silly man.  How easily you forget, Boo. Remember last year??? All we were given in November was a Hobson's choice.…
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  • I'm in Warren County. Steve Chabot is my congressman.  Rob Portman my Senator.  There will be no shortage of ways…
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  • It really is having catastrophic consequences.  I am literally watching the loving relationship between a 50 year old cousin and…
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  • I feel your pain, donnah. As for me, I do find myself having to use some discernment, though, on how…
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  • I think there is a not insignificant number of people who would welcome Donald Trump as their dictator.
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  • We are very, very early in this game, and most all of us are pretty much just talking out our…
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  • They might as well just spare us all the suspense and take down the picture of the White House that…
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  • I am not really sure why Sherrod would vote to confirm him.  I know he gave his rationale on it.…
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  • His primary motivation continues to be the feeding of his ego and his megalomaniacal personality. Unless he comes to some…
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  • 38,000 feet above Kansas right now and it  seems like a universe away from the world I am going to…
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  • Thank God I am flying across the country today. By the time I get home this whole fucking disastrous day…
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  • Our blood-red, Republican dominated county is filling up two bus loads of motivated people and heading to DC. I would…
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  • Everyone here at work is aware of my subversive leanings. I particularly love dragging my reading material out into public…
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  • Just started receiving my new subscription.  Have it in my computer bag now and will be perusing it during lunch…
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  • "Social media" is slowly replacing the old source of foolish things people believe in ... When I encounter someone on…
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  • If there is one thing that certainly be confirmed as we move forward into the Trump years, it is that…
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  • Not a consideration by The Donald that it was the Bush Administration who chose to interpret the intelligence in a…
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  • Well, maybe you can take some solace in the fact that "polls" also said that Donald Trump didn't have a…
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