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    The question is, "Will people decide that this dysfunction is reason enough to NOT vote for Republican candidates"? If history…
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  • Well, for me it's because they generally couch their bigotry, prejudice, and sometimes outright hatred in such severely self righteous…
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  • I don't have any direct data on this, either.  But I look at it this way. If over the span…
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  • Twitter is great to follow events in real-time.  But honestly, I don't see how anyone who spends hours every day…
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  • The American people might be tuning into the clown show going on in the Capital today. Kevin McCarthy just pulled…
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  • And Ben Carson likes putting on his John Wayne hat on Fox & Friends and doing his own Monday morning…
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  • Think Progress has this story,
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  • Jim just keeps adding to his 7 Stages post every time there is a new incident. The fact that he…
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  • Josh Marshall put into words exactly how I feel. I'm embarrassed to say I get more numb to these shooting…
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  • I just had an e-mail and a voice mail earlier today from one of the regional organizers for Hillary in…
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  • I hope so. It seems as if this isn't working out quite like the wingers were hoping and expecting. They…
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  • If we had responsible national media in this country, this story would have died without creating much more than a…
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  • Like almost everything the Republicans have conjured up over the last thirty years, it has nothing to do with what…
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  • Yes.  I love them. And it is the primary ingredient in fish sauce, a staple of Southeast Asian cuisine, which…
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  • Ahhh yes...a fellow Bengal fan who hates Dallas, Washington, Pittsburgh and Baltimore. We are kindred spirits!
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  • So essentially what we have here is that all of the cages at the zoo will soon be unlocked and…
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  • My dad likes to tell the story of when he was in New York on business back in the 50's.…
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  • There must be a misunderstanding. Surely he meant Jeb was an Alfalfa Male.
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  • I opted for Dawn Of Humanity on PBS. It was a great show.  But is was based on that most…
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  • So, who did the best job last night? I know I have to figure that out, but I just couldn't…
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