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    to take this on. But, some important qualifiers: The Israel of today and the United States, in terms of power,…
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  • I meant.
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  • your pick reminded me of the 1970's Weight Watchers recipe cards site http://www.candyboots.com/wwcards.html I realise a bazillion people have seen…
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  • if students decided to take their spring break involved in such ways.
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  • any events in any other major cities, say SF?
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  • why not let the $6 million contract with the Lincoln Group do its work: "Among the tasks outlined for the…
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  • the knowledge was more than I had.
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  • leaves little for constructive input by myself, but still, a rash of musician-killings in NO, post-Katrina? It is starting to…
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  • this dude, not so much. Though I am of the upbringing that one should not speak illness/direct snark towards any…
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  • will be harmed.
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  • but bush can't define it? someone give him a clue; "it's like "victorations"
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  • but first invest about $100 for all those ingredients.
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  • I might have showed up at work this Saturday. and considering the attendance habits of some of my co-workers, I…
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  • they are differentiating between the security person and the monkey's handler. unless there is some explosives robot that can change…
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  • I'm definitely not going to get in line behind the monkey if it is going to have to be de-diapered.…
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  • will I be able to create something by that deadline? dunno. I do have some wonderful works by a friend…
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  • does that happen?
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  • of gay sheep. flock ewe! but back on topic--isn't this countdown a little premature? I mean, even if I lived…
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  • May the soul of Nadia Anjuman and other brave Afghani sisters embrace you.
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  • n/t
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