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    predicted it all.
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  • (you may think) I never left. there's a trick to staying in the margins and I accidentally applied a lesson…
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  • I know something Suhu doesn't. Nah. when you see, you'll know: http://www.dailykos.com/story/2005/6/11/132349/848
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  • not only is heorshe hilarious, but has posted an article about Iraqi trade unionists touring this country with an Iraq…
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  • that was "the other MJ" more akin to Olberman, than other Breathless in MSM.
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  • forgot Juno & Iraqi union diary at dKos.
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  • that you and Apian will be the actual corner-turners in the world as it is today? oh and Dood, on…
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  • Sorry and utterly stunned at your travails as of late.
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  • regardless of...well you know what...I really didn't see a lot of these posts that you are referring to. kinda glad…
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  • donna beat me to it.
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  • but I read or heard recently that whatever original text the 666 came up in was "retranslated" and the number…
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  • to be entirely clueless.
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  • I get careless abt. the m-f stuff.
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  • uh-just to get the "facts" straight, you are saying I am human garbage?
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  • btw--am a huge, tho not entirely uncritical Mencken fan. luv the essay on death, among others.
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  • in the respect that the moves our govt. makes ends up reflecting on the citizens.
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  • for not finishing the job in Afghanistan. talk about chickens coming to roost--that was the war we all supported, but…
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  • read a great novel where a fruitbat plays a supporting role.
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  • I told you the cycles were monthly, and when you are feeling completely vicious, just wait five days.any conclusions that…
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  • my chicago/seattle self praises the grasshopper my socal/nocal self praises 'grita.
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