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  • Hey kid. glad to see another friendly face here. (ok, I knew you posted here, but, I'm glad to see…
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  • a real-life anecdote I remembered today (for what reason I haven't figured out yet) One of the reasons I have…
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  • best summer drink. ever. When I lived in Seattle, from time to time, friends & I might say to each…
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  • this is EAR-ily true.
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  • you are doing a damn fine job here, and I can't help repeating myself that the Boo & Hu show…
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  • breakthrough metaphor--eclairs! and not many people make a good eclair these days....
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  • a lot of news sources I read in the morning end of being sited at dKos. I think you could…
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  • Hey--MB, I was referring to the alpha males who still need to mark their territory with "we-we", and you aren't…
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  • joining the GIRLCOTT here, though I have posted here long before. kinda like the co-equal energies of Hu & Boo!…
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  • to you! I am finding it rather ironic that I posted my dKos ladies of the canyon diary when I…
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  • the KQED station in San jose, Ca. but a lotta those PBS broadcasts have replays. I'll do some research. omigoddess…
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  • I was just watching the PBS station here, and Calrence Paige of the Chicago Tribune was doing a piece on…
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  • and I had, at the time, thought you were a male sticking up for me, and I thought-wow-breakthrough. (though, to…
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  • or some other -leaf that came to my d-fence agin Armando when I commented that he took Plutonium Page's diary…
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  • will be a lot better off without bushco, too.
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  • where the GIRLCOTT is happening?
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  • hey apian/darling-hello.
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  • Don't worry, you, with your rare blood, humor, and sense will prevail. No doubt Liddy Dole walked to all her…
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  • once, in high school, I set my hair in these tiny pink rollers (which I always called sperm rollers, due…
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