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    susan is the goddess--you cannot possess her! (and if there are archives, I believe I was the first to post…
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  • Rub, was too busy today to, once again, honor your dedication & your kinship with words on Kos, so I'm…
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  • I completely misread the title and thought it was Weingnut Jospeh Schonleber, so I was expecting something about German wingnuts.
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  • I couldn't bear to read it. Somehow, I knew that it was going to be all about turning his flaws…
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  • damn. you're making me feel like I have "baggage" would be nice to know about all the security companies, ed…
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  • doesn't bush senior favor pork rinds? anyway, boo, I was just doing that thang called "joking"
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  • hey-they're cheaper than air marshals. maybe they could just have a pork chop drop down from the overhead in the…
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  • (uh, liquid guffawed to keyboard) when I read the title, I thought of a safeguard that a friend of mine…
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  • does the war in Iraq convince you of the willing sacrifice of thousands of americans and other natoinals?
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  • the deserter's story is free on-line from Harpers. oh don't make me post a link--I found it hours ago--just go…
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  • well-Dood O'Billthecat: I disagree. Choosing sides between American or Iranian propaganda is a dismal prospect.
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  • Hmm--which intelligence sources in Iraq? Iran's? If this is true it reminds me of the scene in Catch 22, where…
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  • and she picked the perfect Caravaggio painting. I think one of the first comments I made on Dkos was "Susan…
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  • Another thing Spain is successful at----they have caught and are bringing Al-Queda terrorists to trial.
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  • Tyrannical chihuahua blogging?
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