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    the first 4 cuts in "clip the chihuahua's toenails" weekend. the dew claws will be a bitch. am not protesting…
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  • I'm hardly the person to represent this site in any way, but a lot of the blogosphere exists because of…
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  • thanks sweets. It may have been the best thing I ever did today.
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  • was when ross perot dropped his presidential run, ending the announcement with waltzing (with his wife, I presume) to "Crazy."…
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  • "ive never been afraid to stand up for what I believe in" what, on goddess' earth, do you believe in?…
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  • A horrid first statement, expressing nothing but the values of political careerism. I don't doubt she is privately funny and…
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  • I can't remember the site, but the offered quiz was: "Match your issues to the candidate" I took the test,…
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  • anecdote: So I decide to have a blog even prior to owning a cell phone or an Ipod. So I…
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  • "hearth-ily"?
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  • Hava BA & MA in Art History, and am now pursuing BA/BFA studio art, in the university in which I…
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  • I think, if you are a self-directed sort of person, an on-line course may be able to give you an…
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  • actually, I sometimes wonder if newbies wouldn't prefer to just start posting without fanfare? maybe because I am a "difficult…
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  • The last I read of Alice Coltrane was this October '06 article in the Washington Post: http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2006/10/20/AR2006102001761.html which mentions nothing…
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  • here's hope your "peculiar fantasy" is realized before your next vacation.
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  • the bookend banes of Iraq. story from today's Wapo: http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2007/01/13/AR2007011301372_pf.html
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  • rumor has it lieberman donned his 'no snitchin' t-shirt when asked about his campaign Katrina investigation promises today.
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  • sandblast "cleaning", followed with large industrial vaccum. lemon pledge is not a power tool.
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  • and I might end up at work for some time to compensate for webmaster error. 2.5 day weekend.
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  • Crescent-John Coltrane Children of Darkness-Mimi & Richard Farina Think for Yourself-The Beatles Blues for Duke-Sonny Stitt Rainy Night House-Joni Mitchell…
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  • about the consequences, in the Muslim world, about being educated in radical madrassahs?
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