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    b2. we're having fun at Marisacat's this morning. We are form ing a new party THC (The Human Concern).
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  • morning, b2
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  • I don't see Edwards as any less phony than the others.
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  • ummm, on this very blog there is an HRC ad, utilizing the phrase "It's time." I dimly recall some rally…
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  • do they question that Desmond Tutu knows what apartheid looks like?
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  • and important diary. thanks. every American needs to known what is being done in this country.
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  • and used the pummeled-for-accuracy Marisacat term and called him a martinet.
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  • it was good enough that she pointed out kos wasn't a liberal.
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  • what it would have been for me as a 21 year old to have to part with the love of…
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  • how audacious!
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  • and CBWH's, eh?
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  • hurls curses,from what I've read.
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  • looks like a club med that has taken chastity vows.(the land is beautiful, but the architecture sucks)
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  • are like a huge whole in the ozone layer. we have harmfully disoriented generations. I read the CNN article today…
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  • doncha think you are helping to promote the story by nagging at its promotion? just a thought.
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  • I'm just happy to know another who played the piggy game. My sis in law had never heard of it…
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  • from the persona "au gratin'
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  • dk is losing readership, in addition to banning some of its avid readers. I made it to jotter's  2006 big…
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  • if we counted from the original.
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  • but you weren't banned because at the critical point, you apologised. you even apologised to a trifling like elise--and my…
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