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    you are intelligent enough to know Marisacat is the superior wordsmith.e.g.: "Oh I love all of the diaries these days.…
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  • well, apparently I am a part of this so-called cult. not exactly sure what/who you think I "wannabe"--maybe you could…
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  • I do not consider Marisacat an asshole, so we differ in that respect. nonetheless, you will be on the 'roll
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  • please tell me Marisacat's post of last week "Sins of Omission and Commission" is about gossip. It is every bit…
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  • b2
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  • jesettechristonaskateboard
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  • you are taking this to an unwarranted level. and if you accept Aravia calling you an idiot as fair game,…
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  • I thought I was talking about me. I've never been inclined to fight with you, so I don't understand your…
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  • not here, but in the 'sphere. as you might know, since they are doing you similarly. capice?
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  • as many of you know, I am being slandered, simply for being funny & sarcastic. it's a good thing I…
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  • n/t
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  • or do you just want to get on her blogdrool? the new cyber equivalent of getting into someone's pants/panties.
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  • I ask anyone that I want to blogdrool for their permission. thus far Booman & David Boyle have been the…
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  • think about those words. can't see that they apply to dkos anymore. it's become about itself, yet tries to seduce…
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  • you regret rec'ing me? oh well, pastordamning can't forgive your sins anymore.
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  • rec my comments, too. that should have told you you were terminal.
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  • but it was deft.
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  • baked chickenshit? prefer the advocato sandwich? with a cold chardonadir? 4 years of crap showing in the geopolitical strata.
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  • I guess you don't take Medevore, anymore.
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  • who would have thought?
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