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    I don't consider giving speeches out of office to be crass exploitation of the office of the presidency. Going back…
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  • Did HRC grift $150M from corporations? How much of that $150M did she personally grift compared to her husband, and…
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  • Not stupid, just not interested. Not to mention, 2001-Today is a lot different than 1953 or 1981. Neo-liberal economics rewards…
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  • "Garbage rich people" implies that some rich person isn't just being rich, but using their wealth and power to further…
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  • Yeah, it's probably a representative sample of people who've never voted before. So there's that.
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  • Exactly, pancreatic cancer will cause massive weight loss, without any liver enzyme levels rising to give doctors an easy lab…
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  • Liver enzyme tests can tell whether or not his liver is on its way out. Milk thistle and lecithin are…
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  • Yes, this. You don't beat a bully by telling him that he's mean. You beat him by punching him in…
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  • In an inverted totalitarian state, this is a major feature. Get people, especially idealistic young people, to give up on…
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  • Also, it's not like Sanders has to actually pay/support attack ads, now that $=Speech.
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  • Every December I do my best in the liberally mandated WarOnChristmasTM by saying "Happy Holidays" back to each and every…
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  • Metabolic syndrome, almost always paired with pre-existing hypertension, is essentially one of the biggest health crises that our species faces…
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  • Yeah, I have. It's not rocket science. It's been discussed to death. What they say is almost all about PP,…
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  • Legacy hires aren't just common, it's pretty much standard now. Meritocracy was taken out back and murdered a few hundred…
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  • "Where are you getting this "centrist" label? When did I ever say anything of the kind?" Well, from the very…
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  • That's the spirit.
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  • I try my best. It isn't always easy, but if you bring emotion into a political disagreement, it's almost always…
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  • I understand what you're getting at. As a centrist, you're still rooted here in observable reality, and have dropped the…
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  • I'm not talking about corruption. That was essentially a throwaway line to dismiss the notion that one party stands for…
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  • No, I don't believe that the Democratic party is just as corrupt as any of the political parties you named.…
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