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    Exactly. Regardless of who becomes the GOP nominee, a brokered convention hurts the GOP. Especially if Trump doesn't get the…
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  • Or wielding the truncheons. Stand Your Ground laws paired with open-carry/concealed carry go together perfectly, to provide our oligarchs with…
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  • Yes, this. Inverted Totalitarianism is fascism without a face. Corporations write the laws, and everyone watches the kabuki theatre on…
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  • I've been calling Trump a true fascist for awhile now, linking repeatedly to Altemeyer's book, "The Authoritarians", for anyone who…
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  • If it wasn't for the fact that Big Butter Jesus got melted by God's wrath (right around the time I…
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  • Trump Rallys generally have two components. One component is where Strongman Trump comes out and speaks, which generally gets his…
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  • This. If you're Comcast, or NBC, or even just an individual member of the Media, you have essentially two options.…
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  • Couldn't have happened to a buggier OS.
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  • The link works, you just have to select the entire https address and paste it in a browser.
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  • A sigh of relief.
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  • I equate Presidents getting a bump at the end of their tenure to the clapping and smiles on display as…
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  • I'm fairly certain that the best possible outcome for the country would be Trump winning roughly 49.9% of the delegates,…
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  • Exactly. The only real difference between Trump and the other pretenders is that Trump doesn't dogwhistle. He shouts.
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  • I, and others, have linked to this book before. It's a complete, online/pdf version of the book, The Authoritarians. It's…
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  • No reason to apologize. I wasn't offended. If I were Emperor, or President Trump, I would immediately start working to…
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  • Here's the relevant quote: What the human species has been doing for the past 50 years probably won't kick in…
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  • Yeah, I'm a part of the problem, because I acknowledge that man made global warming is real, that what we're…
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  • I've increased the voting population of socialists by 1, and reduced the voting population of conservatives by 1, as well…
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  • I've already voted for Sanders in the primary. I do not have money or time to donate to the Sanders…
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  • You can call bullshit as much as you want. Just thinking that we "can do something", when clearly the US…
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