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    Make sure you stay home in November so you can maintain your purity.
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  • Start mixing and distributing the koolaid.
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  • Well, let's start right at the top. I, literally, haven't "supported her". So far, I've voted for Sanders in the…
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  • It'll be much better to sit at home than vote for HRC. We have to burn the village down in…
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  • Amazon link incoming in 5...4...3... http://www.amazon.com/Sriracha-Mini-Keychain-Bottle-Shipped/dp/B014U8OS6E/ref=sr_1_1_a_it?ie=UTF8&am p;qid=1461034016&sr=8-1&keywords=sriracha+1+oz
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  • My girlfriend has packets of Cholula, and a small 1.6oz bottle of Sriracha sauce that she carries on her at…
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  • The sheer amount of projection in this statement is amazing. If you use Windows, do yourself a favor. Hold the…
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  • I don't know what your exercise regimen looks like, but before you go gung ho at soccer, I strongly suggest…
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  • Yeah, all of them...except the one I specifically practice! That one is real, otherwise I've been living a lie, and…
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  • You should probably take a step back, take a deep breath, and relax. So far, in a thread that is…
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  • So, you want to do a total 180, and start exerting "self-control", with a population of 7.3 billion people and…
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  • We are the universe, and the universe is us. How could you ever deny that? It is inside of us…
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  • With hundreds of billions of planets, and probably hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of habitable planets in our own…
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  • US Conservatives are the biggest victims on the planet. Everyone else is supposed to be able to pull themselves up…
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  • Tribalism. When their elderly parents are collecting SS, Medicare and Medicaid, it's OK, because they and theirs are "real Americans"…
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  • Smoking, in re: cancer, COPD, emphysema, etc, doesn't necessarily kill you in your 40s, but smoking is a vasoconstrictor, so…
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  • Mixing lots of refined sugar with fat and salt is a typical western diet, and it's terrible for everyone. Throw…
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  • So, you date the "hot flame of racism" cooling down, when? Ever spent any considerable amount of time living in…
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  • You can't observe objective reality, can you? Sanders is winning more delegates than, like, someone from CNN thought he would…
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  • Plenty of people here discuss Sanders' campaign positively. Many of us see the Sanders' campaign as a good thing. The…
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