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    If "higher education" ultimately becomes simply teaching kids how to press the correct buttons in the correct order, it really…
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  • I'm fairly sure that even the most vocal #NeverTrump is just a facade for insecure Republicans to attempt to save…
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  • 99% of students with student loans didn't go to school to sit in a spa, or ride in a lazy…
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  • Good. Imagine if this movement had started in November 2014. Perhaps Sanders would be the presumptive nominee and we could…
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  • Especially when you factor into it that the only time the Democratic party has had a higher favorability rating was…
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  • The same ~28% of deadenders who supported Bush as New Orleans was drowning and Iraq was burning.
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  • 16% of respondents are full of shit.
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  • Trump is actually attacking voters with that comment, men and women. It's a losing line.
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  • You, perhaps, are adverse betting on who wins the White House. The person I directed the comment to said that…
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  • Another question that piggybacks on that one, would be: In which direction does HRC change her mind? If she consistently…
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  • Don't forget that with Citizens United, HRC's campaign doesn't even need to put out the ads to remind people of…
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  • Make yourself a small fortune. https://www.predictit.org/Market/1296/Which-party-will-win-the-2016-US-Presidential-election
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  • Well, Maine citizens voted for him. Just not the majority of Maine citizens. First-past-the-post strikes again. Paul LePage    Mike Michaud   …
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  • As republican (small r) government becomes more and more dysfunctional under any currently-existing system, it is unable to implement needed…
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  • Before there was Lebensraum, there was Manifest Destiny.
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  • If only we had McCain/Palin, or Rmoney/Ryan. If only.
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  • So now it's an insult to tell someone who knows that there isn't a dime's worth of difference between B̶u̶s̶h̶…
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  • Trump's problem is that he wins big in states where there aren't any Republicans.
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