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    Well, considering that HRC is an enemy of the wrongest man in America (one of...I still think Kristol has a…
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  • Trump/Arpaio 2016: Because Hillary is just too dangerous.
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  • And the voters would react by then voting for the Democrat running? Are Democrats not running because they'd get less…
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  • You're a lunatic.
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  • Don't scare me with the boogeyman...as you attempt to scare me with the devil. Keep on keepin' on.
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  • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IFqCJfUKlls But remember. Hillary is the real danger.
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  • Hey, Trump's campaign slogan is to make America great again. Hillary has an arrow pointing to the right! The choices…
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  • Oh, yes. It'll be all my fault. I'm essentially murdering babies because I won't passively sit back and let Donald…
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  • Might as well, since voting for me is just as effective as voting for Jill Stein.
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  • I have even more left-wing policy proposals. You say you won't vote for me because I can't win? I say…
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  • It doesn't matter a fucking bit what kind of super ultra mega peaceful mega-liberal tactics are used. The protesters will…
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  • I'm 36. I wasn't even born yet. You thinking that a march turning into a shitshow doesn't help Trump is…
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  • And you don't win a national election by losing in the primaries.
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  • Same here. If he can refocus on getting progressives elected since this election cycle is all but over minus some…
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  • I'm just glad that the Republican candidate in the general election would never, in any way, exploit something like this…
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  • On even days, Obama is a deranged tyrant who is eroding away all of our freedoms. On odd days, Obama…
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  • I'm still interested (and frightened) about Trump advocating for the complete legality of cannabis. I mean, not that I'd ever…
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  • If the Democratic party can be left standing as the Republican party crumbles into pieces, that is when a left-wing…
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  • If you're going to pick someone who can't win anything, might as well go big and pick Space Jesus/Zombie Washington.
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  • Having to listen to the ultra rich because they're ultra rich is just Mammon worship.
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