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    There are a few of us sprinkled here and there, still cursed with another 45-50 years on earth, given the…
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  • "I do feel that some of them are starting to figure out that they've been "had," but their solution is…
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  • Classic projection. There are very few non-Hillary bashers here talking mad shit about how Sanders is a good-for-nothing despot it…
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  • US conservatives are for all intents and purposes, collectivists, as long as they consider you a member of their tribe.…
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  • The Bernie or Busters are much, much more principled than you or I. In fact, if and when Frau Hitlery…
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  • Thanks for informing me about "arriving" at the wrong place. I've been here for awhile now. My opinion on Drone…
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  • Christ almighty, your writing would be much easier to understand without the parentheses. Parentheses are used to clarify or offer…
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  • I'm someone far to your left politically, who is able to discern the difference between a center-right Democrat and a…
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  • And the USPS is still on the chopping block, with most people still thinking that it is a failing institution…
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  • Using meanings that mean one thing specifically to you, that have different meanings to other people, and then making an…
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  • Make sure to really show the Democratic party what's what by voting for Trump this November.
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  • "The side effects of a Clinton win will be the further erosion of American liberalism from anti-war positions, further erosion…
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  • Semantics. The last vestige of a failed argument. The US Conservative party wants to repeal the ACA. The US Liberal…
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  • Yes, but there's a really decent chance that Hillary won't enact the policies of Eugene Debbs, so we might as…
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  • The USPS disagrees with your designation of Issa as ineffectual.
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  • Well shit. You've taken Sociology 101. So, go vote for Trump now. Make America Great Again.
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  • We gotta burn this country to the fucking ground in order to save it. #Trump/Arpaio 2016
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  • Just in case any drunk white racists forgot that Trump really, really hates those fucking Mexicans.
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  • Oh yes. The Stromfront crowd will be turning out for Trump. On Scott Adams site where I go to poke…
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  • Leave John McCain alone, Booman. He's just following orders. Besides, the alternative is Hillary Clinton. #Trump/Arpaio 2016: Because Hillary is…
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