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    Didn't you get the memo? We're ethicless, unprincipled, immoral David Brock funded trolls. I mean, we're snagging all the monies,…
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  • Clinton has zero postives. #Trump/Arpaio 2016: Because Hillary is just too dangerous.
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  • Hilarious analysis.
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  • Actually, we all silently agree with everything you post, but all of the sweet, sweet cash we're receiving from Victoria…
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  • You forgot to mention how everyone who you disagrees with has no morals, ethics, or principles. How we're all neo-liberal…
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  • Cognitive dissonance. It's been mentioned multiple times over the previous two threads.
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  • It's obvious, once you remember that Hitlery Clinton only has absolute control over the exit polling in the US. For…
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  • Hitlery Killery Shillery about boils down his argument.
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  • You forgot about Vince Foster.
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  • Actually, you're officially a Hill-fan now. You're also a neo-liberal neocon, princpleless, ethicless sell-out. All because you don't publicly shit…
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  • Thanks for the concern, chief.
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  • Look, we have to burn this country down in order to save it. Besides, there really isn't a dime's worth…
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  • "A national Party cannot be sustained by these views." Sure it could. It would just need to be the 1850s.…
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  • Pyrrhic Victories, all the way down.
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  • The point I believe Jordan is trying to make is that by calling them out on their racism accomplishes nothing.…
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  • Remember: US Conservatism is built on the twin pillars of cognitive dissonance and projection. When a conservative is screaming that…
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  • I used the phrase correctly enough for an online comment board. Again, you need to get a grip, and, perhaps,…
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  • Jesus. Fucking. Christ. Listen to yourself. You've jumped the fucking shark in your self-righteousness. Get a fucking grip.
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  • Cult of personality, Bob.
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  • Count me as one of those people. It's why I'm able to so easily throw away all ethics, values, and…
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