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    I think you got the object and subject of the sentence mixed up? The answer is clearly yes, because something…
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  • Make sure to stay home on election day I guess.
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  • Clinton derangement syndrome. If a center-right Democrat turns you back into a Republican who wants to burn the country down…
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  • This is hilarious. Thanks for that.
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  • There are all sorts of choices. Mickey Mouse. Right Said Fred. The Big Bopper. Table top tennis. Flip flops. Unfortunately,…
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  • Saying someone has "precious snowflake beliefs" isn't name calling.
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  • Bernie Sanders has won more individual votes than HRC, so it's a total farce that Clinton has more pledged delegates.…
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  • Haha. Do you think Trump cares about what the US voters want? We definitely got to burn this country down…
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  • This. Trump isn't like Hitler. He's like Mussolini. A Strongman.
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  • Gerrymandering means the incumbent gets to pick his/her voters.
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  • Alternate warm and cold compresses on your toe. 20 minutes per temperature, and make sure whatever you're using isn't directly…
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  • Keep your friends close and your enemies closer.
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  • Unless it is essentially a given that HRC loses in 2020, or that even a democratic ticket with Jesus of…
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  • Well, in case of nuclear armageddon, I'd go as southern hemisphere as you can - New Zealand/Australia. Although, ultimately, I…
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  • Mutually assured destruction always has been a two-way street.
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  • As Driftglass has stated, 9/11 was a "Get out of the 90s Free" card. Electing Trump is a "Get out…
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  • Pretty much this. Trump's savvy isn't in running things. It's in getting other suckers to invest, while he grabs as…
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  • You're also leaving out people who won't vote for Clinton because she's worse than Trump. #Trump/Arpaio 2016
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  • We have to burn this country to the fucking ground in order to save it. #Trump/Arpaio '16
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  • The media is going to sell it as a horserace, so they'll be propping up Trump (as they have been…
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