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  • One of the three or four sane Republicans still out there has a blog that I peruse to imagine how…
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  • Exactly this. The Watch List exists and most Americans give zero fucks about it. Tie owning a gun and the…
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  • What is the point in winning the game if I have to get my hands dirty rolling the dice and…
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  • So I take it that Bernie Sanders has stopped exciting you?
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  • First Postmaster General.
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  • Perhaps, and I'm just spitballin' or whatever, Trump decides by then to just walk away. During the convention itself. Now…
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  • See: Driftglass, and his Pretty Hate Machine post from 2006. http://driftglass.blogspot.com/2006/09/reactionary.html
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  • Yes, this. It takes a lot of work to win a primary, never mind general election. Yet, somehow people sit…
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  • "Imagine for a second if the Democratic Party produced candidates more concerned with the bottom 95% than the rich." I…
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  • "You aren't entitled to my vote just because you run for office as a Democrat." Exactly correct - and you…
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  • Trump is the 5 Stages of Grief, personified. The first stage, denial, was what we saw in 2012. The Republican…
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  • Yes, because Hitlery Clinton has an army of right-wing authoritarians who show up at her rallies and beat the shit…
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  • This has to be true, because Hitlery Clinton.
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  • So, you won't vote for Clinton until everyone else has voted for and elected her to office, having proven you…
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  • The "Clinton" people include lots of Sanders supporters and Sanders voters who don't buy the "there's not a dime's worth…
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  • Never mind the fact that Strongman Trump wields tens of millions of right-wing authoritarian followers. But, oh no, Trump would…
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  • Because the voters want these things, vote for people who say one thing and do another, and then those same…
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  • You apparently count the Framers of the Constitution as (D) and (R), as the electoral system(s) they set up are…
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  • Because straight Christians, being the TrueAmericansTM, are the most persecuted group in America. I mean, we all agree that the…
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