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    The 4-4 decision was a 4-4 decision because Scalia is thankfully dead. It is irrelevant to the fact that the…
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  • No. I'm pointing out that the 4-4 decision by the USSC wasn't a positive one for millions of people, some…
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  • I've always asked questions, and when they couldn't supply answers because they honestly don't even know what their religion stands…
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  • Uh, VoiceInTheWilderness literally assumed, in writing, that a 4-4 deadlocked Supreme Court is better than a 5-4 Supreme Court with…
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  • Only 1 case with a 4-4 tie has personally affected millions of people. Repeat that 6.9% all week if you…
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  • Tell that to the 3+ million affected by the recent 4-4 indecision.
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  • #JudasWarren
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  • "But how can you claim to have morals when really you just act morally because you're just terrified of being…
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  • If you can't see a difference between the Republican party and Democratic party, it's because you can't see, or refuse…
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  • Domestic violence. Battery. Beating. Abuse. Those are the terms that a sane person uses for the violence committed between two…
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  • I think Warren is doing what Sanders should be doing: getting progressives involved in the power structure to make HRC…
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  • It's simple, actually. Stay home in November. Then... Something something mass social uprising...something something Social Democratic utopia. Voting for politicians…
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  • Suffering from insomnia?
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  • From your mouth to God's ear, and all that.
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  • Actually, wind storms from hurricanes made it up there and caused a lot of damage a few years back.
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  • Warren claiming, happily, to have minority blood is very, very racist, because it's very, very racist. In addition, it is…
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  • So, basically, Gary Busey.
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  • I'd love to see Garland rescind the nomination so that Clinton and Sanders could work together on nominating a young,…
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  • #JudasWarren
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  • Certainly far less than the tens of millions of right-wing authoritarians that Strongman Trump wields. #Trump/Arpaio 2016: Because Hillary is…
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