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    I'm not anti-Sanders. I know it comes as a surprise, but when you and your super progressive ultra principled buddies…
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  • It was all pre-planned by Hillary, Obama, and Huma Abedin's ISIS contacts, to make Hillary's CoronationTM seem more legitimate. Also:…
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  • Needs more Vincent Foster. Also: Benghazi.
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  • Yes, all the vitriol is coming from evil Democrats who hate progressives. None of it is directed at the evil…
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  • There'd be no UN without a few million people sacrificed on the alter of, "well, he's just a clown and…
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  • Nixon was a true progressive. Pay no attention to the Congress behind the legislation.
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  • I think this is correct. Assuming the heckling is over, a unified remainder of a convention will look good.
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  • If only that were true. These people want to run the Democratic party without being a part of it. Sanders…
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  • The goal of every oligarch is to be the founding member of an aristocracy. Ivanka is just doing her part.
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  • Agreed. I worked in the back of the house of a restaurant where I was the only native English speaker.…
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  • It's almost like - gasp - the Democratic party was working on behalf of the Democratic candidate for the duration…
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  • State governments need balanced budgets as they don't print their own currency. Does Kaine support a balanced budget amendment to…
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  • So you and the upvote gang believe Richard Nixon is more liberal than Hillary Clinton. Noted.
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  • You trust Strongman Trump in charge of the IRS and DOJ. Hilarious. By the way, I'm not afraid of the…
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  • Teebow 2020.
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  • Strongman Trump is dangerous because he is a nasty person who has tens of millions of right wing authoritarian bigots…
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  • One of the reasons that I like Hillary Clinton as a candidate is that she isn't personally liked, such as…
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  • That is the only way that the left wing will be free from the Democratic party. The crackup comes either…
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  • Destroy the Republican party. The sane Republicans join the right wing of the Democratic party and take it over, becoming…
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